Instrument Builder
Easily create, issue, tokenise, and mint any financial asset with Mesh’s Instrument Builder.
Works for all asset classes and types of financial instruments, simple or complex. -
Digitises any new or existing capital markets asset, with blockchain-authenticated proof of ownership, to facilitate lifecycle events such as dividend and coupon payments. -
Enables fractional ownership of any asset class through cross-asset, digital token issuance. -
Choose any market mechanism, (primary, secondary, OTC), to list instruments on the Mesh Marketplace. -
Efficiently control "rights to" listed assets, while executing primary issuances for new, alternative or structured assets.
Lifecycle Manager
Mesh’s Lifecycle Manager provides services to manage and control all legal obligations related to the servicing of issued financial instruments.
Create and automate your instrument's lifecycle events, including pre-issuance events, issuance, cancellation, and maturity events. -
Lifecycle events are generated based on the information provided during the financial instrument creation process.